PLASTOGREEN PLANK is a general purpose product, which can be used in numerous applications. This is a regular strip of 10 mm thickness, available in 70 mm and 130 mm width, respectively. You can apply it as fencing of your backyards and you can apply it as your balcony fencing of apartment. You can apply it over your terrace bench, as well as you can apply it as a top of your coffee table. This is an all weather product.

PLASTOGREEN PLANK gives typical natural touch to overall ambience where it is used. Technically, it reduces sunshine reflection and absorbs UV radiation. Socially, it is a green product that protects environment with its natural characteristics of anti-water, anti-fungus & anti-termite.
Terraces : Gardens : Restaurants & coffee shops :
outdoor seatings Garden benches as planks Outdoor service tables
flooring of terrace For Gazebos Benches
fencing For walkways Coffee tables
shelter For plantation fencing Outdoor caterings
ladders For wall covering Walkways
coffee tables For children play area Fencings
Dado wall cladding Tree fencing Main service tables
    Water areas Children play areas
    Lawn fencing    
Wall cladding : Balconies :
Regular wall cladding of villas, apartments flooring of balconies
Interior wall cladding fencing on MS frames for coverings
Office interior wall claddings decorative outer framing of balcony
Showroom wall cladding 'Dado' wall cladding of balconies
Hospitals wall cladding window outer framings for classy looks
Temples, Churches & mosques coffee tables
    rest chairs